Everything about him and what he does is different. After 4 years, a miscarriage, 2 horrible egg retrievals that almost killed me, and 6 failed embryo transfers, I finally met Dr. Wood and that is when everything changed, and I finally had hope again.
Even after all of the IVF and the different doctors I have seen, his protocols are different than theirs, designed just for me and my body.
I am so happy to share that I am currently 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and I saw the heartbeat of my sweet baby yesterday. My heart is beyond full, and I don’t feel hopeless anymore. Dr. Wood, Melissa, and his team have changed my life, and I will forever be grateful to them.”
Tammy & Marc
Tammy & Marc had been trying to conceive for more than 7 years. After a lot of research, they decided to try IVF with Gen 5 Fertility. They did 2 cycles of IVF and retrieved 3 normal embryos, and now they are happily and positively pregnant.
Jo Anne & Todd
This beautiful baby boy was born to an amazing couple at 5lbs 12oz and measuring at 18 inches on December 30, 2021!
This couple had been trying for 4 years before coming to Gen 5 Fertility. They came to Gen 5 Fertility, did 1 cycle of IVF, and got pregnant with their first embryo transfer.
This couple in their early 40s had gone through 3 cycles of IVF at a different center with no luck. Her AMH showed good numbers, and they could not find other issues.
She did a lot of research and found Gen 5. They looked further into her situation and found polyps. After removing these polyps, she went through another cycle of IVF with success! Her baby was recently born, and we are incredibly happy for her and her husband, and their new journey of parenthood.